
Top 100 Flutter Interview Questions

Here are 100 Flutter interview questions. Questions are based on various categories of flutter. I strongly believe that the below questions will help you a lot. Let’s check out the questions. These questions should provide a comprehensive overview of Flutter, covering various aspects of its development, deployment, and optimization.

100 Flutter interview questions:

Basic Concepts:

  1. What is Flutter?
  2. Explain the difference between Flutter and other frameworks like React Native.
  3. What programming language is used in Flutter?
  4. What is Dart?
  5. Why did Google choose Dart for Flutter?
  6. Describe the Flutter widget tree.
  7. What is a widget in Flutter?
  8. Differentiate between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget.
  9. What is the purpose of the build() method in Flutter widgets?
  10. Explain the concept of hot reload in Flutter.
  11. How does Flutter achieve high performance?
  12. What is the Flutter engine?
  13. Describe the role of the Dart VM and AOT compilation in Flutter.


  1. Name some common widgets in Flutter.
  2. What is the difference between Container and Padding widgets?
  3. Explain the purpose of the Scaffold widget.
  4. What is the AppBar widget used for?
  5. How would you implement a list view in Flutter?
  6. What is a Row widget?
  7. What is a Column widget?
  8. How do you create buttons in Flutter?
  9. What is the purpose of the Text widget?
  10. Explain the difference between SingleChildScrollView and ListView.
  11. How do you add padding around a widget in Flutter?
  12. What is the purpose of the Expanded widget?
  13. Explain the Stack and Positioned widgets.
  14. How would you implement a grid layout in Flutter?
  15. What is the ClipRRect widget used for?

Layouts and Navigation:

  1. Describe the different types of layout widgets available in Flutter.
  2. What is the purpose of the Row and Column widgets?
  3. How do you align widgets in Flutter?
  4. Explain the Stack and Positioned widgets with an example.
  5. What is the Wrap widget used for?
  6. How do you navigate between screens in Flutter?
  7. What is the Navigator widget?
  8. Explain named routes in Flutter.
  9. How do you pass data between screens in Flutter?
  10. Describe the BottomNavigationBar widget.
  11. What is a drawer in Flutter?
  12. How do you handle back navigation in Flutter?

State Management:

  1. What is state management in Flutter?
  2. Describe the concept of stateful and stateless widgets in Flutter.
  3. How do you manage state in a StatelessWidget?
  4. Explain the setState() method in Flutter.
  5. Describe the Provider package in Flutter.
  6. What is the BLoC pattern?
  7. Explain the purpose of the StreamBuilder widget.
  8. How do you manage form state in Flutter?
  9. Describe the Redux pattern in Flutter.
  10. What is the purpose of the ChangeNotifier class?

Networking and Data Handling:

  1. How do you make HTTP requests in Flutter?
  2. Describe the http package in Flutter.
  3. What is JSON parsing?
  4. How do you parse JSON data in Flutter?
  5. Explain the Future and async/await in Dart.
  6. What is the purpose of the FutureBuilder widget?
  7. Describe the dio package in Flutter.
  8. How do you cache network data in Flutter?
  9. What is SQLite?
  10. How do you perform local database operations in Flutter?

Animations and Effects:

  1. Describe animations in Flutter.
  2. How do you implement animations in Flutter?
  3. What is the purpose of the AnimatedContainer widget?
  4. Explain the Hero animation in Flutter.
  5. Describe the AnimatedOpacity widget.
  6. How do you create custom animations in Flutter?
  7. What is the purpose of the Tween class?
  8. Explain the AnimatedBuilder widget.
  9. How do you create a parallax effect in Flutter?
  10. Describe the AnimatedSwitcher widget.

Platform Specifics:

  1. Can Flutter be used for web development?
  2. How do you create responsive layouts in Flutter?
  3. Describe the Platform class in Flutter.
  4. How do you check the current platform in Flutter?
  5. Explain the purpose of the Cupertino widgets.
  6. What is the purpose of the PlatformChannel class?
  7. How do you integrate platform-specific code in Flutter?
  8. Describe the Plugins system in Flutter.
  9. What is the purpose of the SharedPreferences package in Flutter?
  10. How do you access device sensors in Flutter?

Testing and Debugging:

  1. What is widget testing in Flutter?
  2. Describe the flutter_test package.
  3. How do you write unit tests in Flutter?
  4. Explain the purpose of the Mockito package in Flutter testing.
  5. What is integration testing in Flutter?
  6. Describe the flutter_driver package.
  7. How do you debug Flutter applications?
  8. Explain the purpose of the DevTools package.
  9. What is observatory in Flutter?
  10. How do you profile Flutter applications?

Deployment and Publishing:

  1. How do you build a Flutter app for Android?
  2. Describe the process of releasing a Flutter app on the Google Play Store.
  3. How do you build a Flutter app for iOS?
  4. Explain the process of releasing a Flutter app on the Apple App Store.
  5. What is the purpose of the flutter build command?
  6. How do you handle app signing in Flutter?
  7. Describe the process of publishing a Flutter web app.
  8. What is the Flutter web compiler?
  9. How do you optimize a Flutter app for production?
  10. Explain the purpose of the flutter run command.

Conclusion :

I hope the above 100 Flutter interview questions are helpful. If you are an Android developer, you can check out these 100 Android interview questions to brush up on your knowledge.


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